Tax credit for Research, Development, Innovation and Design

Up to 50% of Tax Credit for Research and Development investments within the last 5 years.

Are you an entrepreneur who invests in developing new products or in innovating the production process of your own company?

Tax Credit for research, development, innovation and design is the right subsidy you can apply for.

The credit is recoverable within 5 years of the costs being incurred.

Costs incurred before 2021, in which the subsidy reaches up to 50%, are therefore also recoverable.

Subsidized Projects

Fundamental research, industrial research and experimental development in scientific and technological field.

Technological innovation to accomplish new products or production processes (also in terms of ecological or digital transition 4.0).

Design and aesthetic conception for development and production of new products and samples in the textile and fashion, footwear, eyewear, goldsmith, furniture and furnishing and ceramics sectors.


What are the eligible expenses?

Expenses incurred by the company for the amount directly related to Research, Development, Technological Innovation and Design activities are eligible for:

  • Personal;
  • Depreciation of capital goods;
  • Cost of external consultancy, including those provided by universities, research institutes and innovative Start-ups;
  • Materials.

Who are the beneficiaries?

All companies resident in Italy, included permanent establishments of non-resident organisations, can benefit from the credit, regardless of their legal nature, their economical sector, their dimension, their accounting regime and the system for determining income for tax purposes.

Access to the tax credit is automatic, with no need to submit any application or assessment.

The companies beneficiaries are required to draw up and keep the technical documentation proving the above mentioned.

In addition to the drafting of the supporting technical documentation, the actual incurring of eligible expenses must result from a specific certification issued by the person in charge of the statutory audit. For companies not required by law to carry out statutory audits, the expenses incurred to fulfill the certification obligation are recognized as an increase in the tax credit for an amount not exceeding 5.000 euros.

Regulatory Framework

Article 3 of the Decree-Law 23 December 2013, n. 45 – converted with amendments by Law 21 February 2014, n. 9 and subsequent amendments.
Article 1 paragraphs 198-209 of the Law 27 December 2019, n. 160 and Ministerial Decree of the 26 May 2006 and subsequent amendments.


Official page of the Ministry of Economic Development

Take the opportunity to access this subsidy

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